
Disasters like storms often cause extensive and pricey damage to roofs. For example, sustained winds and rain weaken the roof structure, causing it to collapse or get ripped off. This then leaves the home open to other forms of further damage from elements like wind and water.

By installing and maintaining your roofs correctly, you can avoid the water damage to your building’s interior and structure that snow accumulation can cause.

No roof lasts forever, but some are designed to be more durable than others.

All types of weather can damage roofs, especially during a severe storm. To help protect your roof from harm, take these measures:

  • The best way to prevent extensive and expensive storm damage is to routinely inspect your roof for missing or damaged shingles, and replace them as soon as you can.
  • In order to ensure your gutters are effective, regularly clean them of leaves and other objects. This will allow water to flow off the roof as intended. If you don’t have professional equipment, a scrub brush and bucket can be used instead.
  • Routinely cleaning your gutters will help prevent any significant issues, but if you do spot a clog, it’s best to call in reinforcement.

If you see a storm coming, there are precautionary measures you can take to protect your roof.

Before you begin, grab anything stored on the roof and put it in the garage. Remove any snow or ice from the roof with a broom or rake. By doing this, you’re preventing damage that could possibly be caused by hail and ice.

If a storm is coming, be sure to remove any furniture or other items from your roof. A professional roofer can fix your broken roof in as little as two hours, costing you only $400 to $500.

A few easy tips can save you money before you have to call in professionals.

1. Examine the damage

  • The tips below will guide you in assessing the damage to your roof after a storm. If there are any missing, torn, or damaged shingles, you’ll need to get new ones.
  • Inspect your roof for any leaks, and if found, repair them immediately. Examine the flashing around vents and chimneys next for deterioration. If it is damaged, replace it as soon as possible.
  • Ensure that your gutters and downspouts are firmly attached, and clear of any foliage. Examine the roof for damage, like warped or sagging beams.

2. Stay safe

Be cautious when exploring your roof as the surface may be dangerous and unsteady. If you think the roof might collapse, quickly leave the house and contact a qualified individual to assess the situation.

3. Don’t try to remove shingles or tiles by hand!

If shingles or tiles are ripped off, your roof is more likely to fly off. It’s dangerous to go on the roof, especially if there are electrical cables along the rafters. To fix this problem, it’s better to hire a professional roofing firm rather than attempt to repair the damage yourself.

4. Take steps to prevent water damage

Roof leaks are a leading cause of water damage in houses. By taking some preventative measures, you can help stop water from coming into your home through the roof and causing costly damage.

Taking care of your roof is key to preserving your home. Check for damaged or missing shingles and replace them immediately, as well as being vigilant for other issues like leaks or moss growth.

The gutter system of your home keeps water away from vital areas. Keep it well-maintained and clear of any leaves or branches. This allows water to flow smoothly and regularly, keeping your property safe. You can also install roof flashing or a drainage system for extra protection against flooding or leakage.

The sooner you act to repair water damage, the less chance there is of further damage occurring.

Begin repairing the leak by first examining the roof and identifying its source.

If you feel confident enough to repair the leak yourself, there are plenty of solutions at your disposal. If not, or if it’s too dangerous for you to attempt, call a professional.

5. Check with an insurance professional to see whether you’re covered for any losses

If your house is damaged in a storm, you should contact an insurance professional to check if you’re covered for roof damage. Make sure that your policy covers the losses so that you can get compensated.

Immediately after a storm, the first thing any homeowner should do is contact their insurance company. You will want to ask about what types of damage are covered under your policy and if there are any deductible requirements. It is crucial to understand what exactly they cover and don’t cover because many policies exclude damage caused by wind, rain, or hail.

If your roof sustains damage, you will have to file a claim with your insurance provider. If possible, take pictures or shoot video of the damage. With any luck, the insurance company will pay for repairs and cover your deductible as well. However, if not, you may need to hire someone to fix the problem yourself.

Roof Repair Alternatives

Oftentimes, it’s more economical to replace an entire roof instead of repairing water damage. Plus, when you’re thinking about replacement materials, go for what will work better for you long-term: light or heavy-duty?

If you want to sell your home in the next few years, a cheaper metal roof that will last longer is probably the better option. Contact Exterior Plus for more information!